If you are DACA- or ASSET-eligible and live in Colorado, CSU is a great college option. That being said, we understand financial concerns play an important role in your decision to attend CSU.
DACA and ASSET college students are not eligible for federal financial aid, but CSU and the state of Colorado have other financial opportunities. Learn what steps you can take to invest in your college degree with the help of financial aid and scholarships.
If you have applied and been admitted to CSU, you may qualify for in-state tuition as an ASSET student. ASSET is a law passed in the state of Colorado that gives eligible college students in-state tuition rates at Colorado colleges and universities.
Scholarships and grants
Although students with ASSET status don’t qualify for federal financial aid, they may qualify for aid from the state of Colorado and from Colorado State University.
The Colorado Application for State Financial Aid (CASFA) is Colorado’s financial aid application for Colorado students who are DACA- or ASSET-eligible. The CASFA is available as early as October 1 each year.
Most CSU scholarships are open to everyone. CSU awards some scholarships automatically upon admission and some once you’ve completed the CSUSA Scholarship Application.
Working on campus
If you currently have DACA, contact the Office of Financial Aid to learn more about work-study opportunities.
Learn more about these options
Find out more about your eligibility and the steps you can take to help pay for college. Hablo español.