New Student Orientation

Orientation is a key moment on your Colorado State timeline. It’s when you work out your first class schedule, get your questions answered by CSU staff and students, and maybe even meet some of your new friends and classmates.
Yep, you need to attend
Ram Orientation is required for all new, degree-seeking students at Colorado State University. The information you’ll get and the steps you’ll take throughout the experience are important to getting you off on the right foot. We want you to be successful here.
Is orientation virtual or in person?
Both! Ram Orientation typically is offered both virtually and in person. Both involve lots of engagement and interaction with real people, even when there are virtual components. On-campus sessions are two days long, while the virtual sessions are one day, scheduled for a specific day and time. Virtual orientation is synchronous, which means that you’ll register for a virtual session, and need to be present at that day and time in order to complete your orientation.
Registering for orientation
Registration for Ram Orientation opens to students who have been admitted and have made their enrollment deposits (dates below).
Once you have made or deferred your enrollment deposit and orientation registration has opened, you’ll get a notification that you can sign up. We’ll also send you an email to remind you around the time registration opens.
Preparing for orientation
Once you’re registered for orientation, you have some steps to complete to ensure you’re prepared to attend. Many important things happen during your orientation experience, including academic advising and registering for your classes.
Before you attend orientation, make sure you’ve gone through your preparation checklist. You’ll need to watch some videos and look at your placement requirements to ensure you’re ready to register for the correct courses.
What happens at orientation?
Freshmen, transfer, and international students are given separate orientation experiences, and each is designed specifically for your student type. Orientation may include an overnight stay in our residence halls, last one day or two, or be offered online at one time or provided for you to view it on your own time. No matter what, orientation helps you become acquainted with campus, make connections, get your questions answered, and sign up for classes. Learn more by clicking on your student type.
Are guests allowed?
Yes! Your parents’, family members’ and guests’ questions are important, and we want to answer those, too. Sessions are offered specifically to help them learn more about Colorado State and how they can support you in your transition. Your family or guests will hear from groups like Parent and Family Programs, University Housing, Office of Financial Aid, and the CSU Health Network.
Key orientation dates
- Typically, orientation sign-up opens in January for students starting in the fall and in October for students starting in the spring.
- Orientation itself takes place throughout June and July for students starting in the fall. It's held November to January for students starting the the spring..
How to sign up
Orientation registration typically opens in January for students starting in the fall. You must submit your enrollment deposit before you can sign up.