Are you a DACA or ASSET student? Explore your financial aid options
Learn about your options and how to qualify.
We want you here. No one else has your ideas, interests, abilities. Regardless of your background or financial resources, we’re committed to supporting everyone’s access to financial aid resources. In 2023-2024, 76% of first-time, full-time students received financial aid.
So what exactly is financial aid? In short, it’s assistance paying for college.
Financial aid comes in many forms. Most are based on your income or your family’s income, your GPA, academic achievements, and/or transcripts.
Aid that’s awarded can cover expenses like tuition and fees, housing and food, books and supplies, and transportation. Aid can also help pay for other related expenses, such as a computer and dependent care.
Learn the basics in our Financial Aid 101 blog linked below or keep scrolling to dive even deeper into your main options for aid at CSU.
You’ve worked hard in the classroom. We value that. Freshmen students are automatically considered for merit-based scholarships based on the information you include on your application for admission.
You’ve worked hard in the classroom. We value that. Transfer students are automatically considered for this merit-based scholarship based on the information you include on your application for admission.
If you are not a resident of Colorado but live in the western United States or select jurisdictions of the U.S. Pacific islands, you may be eligible for a tuition reduction of up to $10,000 per year through the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) award.
In the state of Colorado, there is a law that allows eligible students to receive in-state tuition and state financial aid at Colorado colleges. This is known as ASSET, which stands for Colorado’s Advancing Students for a Stronger Tomorrow.
The Colorado State University Scholarship Application (CSUSA) is a one-stop shop for applying to most scholarships at CSU. Filling out this application will put you in the running for all the CSU scholarships you are eligible for. Usually, you only need to fill out the CSUSA for consideration, but some scholarships may require additional materials like letters of recommendation or work samples.
Simply put, the FAFSA is a free form that students and families can fill out every year that helps determine their eligibility for some financial aid. While it isn’t required, it is highly recommended that you submit it. Even if you don’t think you’ll need the aid or you’ll be eligible, the FAFSA sometimes is required for other scholarships or programs that you might be interested in.
Federal financial aid includes grants, loans, and work study programs.
Learn about your options and how to qualify.
Add these hidden gems to your search.
Filling out this free application is one of the most important steps you can take to help pay for college.
Even after scholarships and loans, there are lots of ways to reduce the cost of your degree and cover your expenses along the way.