When roommate assignments roll out, emotions roll right along with them (brb, gotta go breathe into a paper bag).
Meeting new people is exciting, but it can also be nerve wracking. It’s important to keep your expectations realistic and your feelings in perspective. Whether you’re breaking out in hives or barely breaking a sweat, we’ve got advice to on how to handle each emotion as it comes and set yourself up for a great living experience.
#1: Curious
I really want to get to know my roommate. Should I get in touch with them?
Your roommate probably has similar thoughts running through their head, too. It’s totally OK to get in touch with them to introduce yourself. You could start out by asking what time they plan to move in or what they’re bringing for the room. Keep in mind that some people are more comfortable communicating in person, so don’t rush to judgment if their response is minimal. You’ll get to discover more about them when you get to campus.
#2: Nervous
Is my roommate going to like me? What if I don’t like them? Will we be compatible roommates? I really want this to work out.
It’s completely normal to be nervous. College holds a lot of unknowns, and that includes your living situation. Friendships are made over time, so you both may be hesitant as you start to learn about one another. And know that it’s not vital for you and your roommate to be best friends. Being friends certainly doesn’t hurt, but if you aren’t super close, you’ll have lots of opportunities to make close friends from class, in a club, or just down the hall.
#3: Excited
I can’t wait to meet my new best friend!
It’s great to be excited, especially if you click with your new roommate immediately. Get a feel for how open they want to be and move forward from there. Some people prefer to keep their living arrangement less personal, and that’s OK.
#4: Confused
What exactly do we have in common?
Sit on it for a while and give them a chance. Our lifestyle questionnaire matches roommates based on living preferences, not hobbies or majors.
Having a roommate who is different from you can make for an amazing experience and help you grow as a person. Making judgments without cause isn’t good for you or your roommate. You won’t really know them until you meet them face-to-face and spend time together. Until then, keep an open mind and talk about them about expectations. If you end up having trouble finding commonalities, you can talk to the resident assistants in your hall. They can help out by facilitating conversations.