Future Rams, it’s officially happening. The time has come to pack your bags, load your cars, and board your planes. Move-in is just around the corner, and here at Colorado State we’re thrilled to welcome you onto campus. We’ve done the work to ensure that your day goes smoothly. When you arrive on campus, volunteers will be here to help you find your room, unload your things, and get settled in. There are also a few things you can do yourself to make the day low-stress. Check our our five tips to conquer move-in.
#1: Move in at a different time than your roommate.

Trying to fit you and your roommate, all of your things, and any loved ones or volunteers into a residence hall room at the same time will make it tough to move around and unpack. Moving in at different times is a simple solution that will make a big difference in your ability to quickly and efficiently move into your room. Contact your roommate before move-in to make a plan and try to avoid overlapping schedules.
#2: Be conscious of limited space when deciding what to bring.

If you take a look at our suite-style and community-style room tours, you’ll notice that space is limited. Keep this in mind as you think about what you will use most and least this coming year. From there, create a packing list and stick to it. If you or your roommate would like to bring extra seating (like a futon) submit a bed lofting request for one or both of your beds. That way, there will be plenty of room.
#3: When volunteers ask to help, say yes.

Each year CSU enlists hundreds of move-in volunteers to help you from start to finish. There are plenty of volunteers whose job is to help you carry your things to your room. Don’t be afraid to request their help. Your move-in process will go much more quickly, and you’ll be less sore the day after.
#4: Moving is a process — be prepared to spend some time on it.

At CSU, we do our best to make sure your move-in process is quick and efficient. That being said, there is a lot that goes into the day. It will involve traveling, checking in, locating your residence hall and room, transporting your things, moving furniture, and maybe even shopping for additional items. Think of move-in as a process. Make it more enjoyable by taking breaks or exploring campus between unpacking boxes.
#5: Bring duffle bags or boxes, not suitcases.

Whether you’re flying or driving, consider leaving the suitcases at home. Storing them will take up much-needed space in your residence hall room. Duffle bags are a great packing option, as they easily collapse and you can store them away. If you would rather bring boxes, look for the designated “cardboard corrals” to dispose of them in a sustainable way. You’ll notice gated and marked areas located outside of residence halls.
Get prepared
Find all the important move-in details you’ll need in our move-in guide.