“Which college is right for me?” For most, that’s not a quick decision. Many factors influence your college choice, and that’s understandable. You have to consider finances, location, opinions from friends and family, academic fit, and career goals.
Making the right choice isn’t easy, but taking care of yourself during the process is important. Set yourself up for success by following these four tips.
#1. Visit your top schools
It may seem obvious, but campus visits are the best way to get to know what sets certain campuses apart. On top of that, you can begin building in-person relationships that will help you through the application process and beyond. Many campuses have virtual tours (see ours!), so if traveling is difficult, you can still get an idea of what campus looks like.
#2. Build relationships
At almost every institution you may be considering, there is likely a team of dedicated admissions counselors waiting to help walk you through your decision. That’s absolutely the case at Colorado State University. You already can count on having an ally on campus waiting for you to reach out with questions, concerns, or even just a friendly “hello.”
#3. Stay ahead of deadlines
Ever spend an entire night working on assignment due the next day? Believe it or not, it’s even harder when it’s a scholarship deadline. Stay in control of the process by making sure you’re prepared whenever a deadline rolls around.
#4. Relax and be yourself
There is a lot of pressure when it comes to the admissions process, but don’t let it get to you. This decision is about who you are and who you want to be. Don’t be afraid to express the value you think you will bring to higher education to those reading your application. After all, being admitted is the first step in a long journey, and your university should recognize that value when you are accepted. We look at you as a whole person, with a wealth of unique perspectives to bring to CSU.