When you start college in the fall, you’re probably going to be equal parts excited and nervous. And that is totally OK. It can be intimidating living away from home for the first time. When I came to CSU, I was terrified. But I ended up having a fantastic freshman year that I wouldn’t trade for the world. I have no doubt that you will feel right at home at CSU, and I have a few tips to help ensure that your first month on campus is a phenomenal one.
#1. Make friends with your hallmates

When you first move into your residence hall, everyone is just as awkward and confused as you are. Your hallmates might know one or two people from high school, but they’ll definitely be looking for more friends. Keeping your door open is a great and simple way to get to know the people who live right next to you. Plus, it will be easy to hang out when your best friend lives 50 feet down the hall.
#2. Join a club

One of the best ways to feel like you belong on campus is to find people with similar interests as you. There are more than 500 student clubs and organizations at CSU, so it will be hard not to find something that fits you. There are many great sororities and fraternities out there, as well as political and religious organizations, academic groups, and clubs focused on diversity and culture. That’s not to mention all of the great sport and social clubs like Capoeira, the Esports Association, and Innertube Water Polo. Joining clubs is great ways to meet people, and some of them can even help you land your dream job by giving you experience in an area you plan to pursue.
#3. Head over to TILT for tutoring

College can be tough. Everyone has that one class with concepts that just don’t make sense. We’ve all been there. But the Institute for Learning and Teaching (TILT Building) is designed to help you crush your hardest classes. They offer free drop-in tutoring five days a week, private tutoring, and workshops where you’ll learn how to study and be a better test-taker.
#4. Explore Old Town Fort Collins

It’s important to get off campus every once in awhile, and Old Town in Fort Collins is a place that will make you want to do just that. With its fountains, buildings, art, and performance space, Old Town square is #instaworthy. Plus, it’s filled with great Colorado-based shops and boutiques so you can support local businesses. Check out Old Firehouse Books or catch a concert at the Aggie Theater. And if you’re in the mood for food, Silver Grill and Nuance Chocolate are essential.
#5. Get outside

Colorado is gorgeous. And while it’s often known for skiing, there are plenty of things that you can do in the warmer months, too. Horsetooth Reservoir is right around the corner, and Greyrock Trail is my favorite local hiking spot. If you don’t want to leave campus, the Oval is a great place to take a well deserved nap. College is all about new experiences, so make sure to enjoy the sights before midterms roll around!