There are college classes, and then there are college classes you’ll remember for the rest of your life. At Colorado State, we like to think you’ll find more of the latter. Exploration is one of the best things about academics at CSU. You may have an idea of what you want to study, and you may not. Either way, you have opportunities to take courses that are as fun as they are educational. Here are five classes* at CSU you’ll definitely want to give a second look.
#1. Insects, Science, and Society

You may or may not be an insect lover, but this class is designed for everyone from the bug obsessed to those a little more leery. In addition to learning how insects develop, behave, and affect human life, you’ll get hands-on experiences, like a chance to visit Denver’s Butterfly Pavilion. Come explore just how deeply the most-diverse life-form on earth affects our world.
#2. Communication and Popular Culture

Who didn’t love movie day in school? In Communication and Popular Culture, you’ll explore how movies, television shows, internet memes, social media (and beyond!) communicate with us and affect today’s culture and society. You’ll discuss how popular culture has shaped the history and culture of the United States, and talk about reflections of gender, race, ethnicity and sexual orientation in pop culture.
#3. Young Adult Literature

Who doesn’t have nostalgia around their favorite teen and pre-teen books? English 405 is all about reading and analyzing young adult literature and examining the issues within. You’ll explore gender, identity, immigration, intersectionality, mental health, race, social class, and more — all through the eyes of popular YA novels.
#4. History of Rock and Roll

Get ready to refresh your iTunes library! From punk to psychedelia, new wave to folk, and everything in between, the History of Rock and Roll is the class to expand both your knowledge and appreciation of music. You’ll examine music and artists from cultural, societal, and analytic perspectives — with a special focus on how each genre represented its specific cultural era and how it contributed to the culture of the time period.
#5. Basic Outdoor Skills in Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology

Taking a class that helps you explore our big, beautiful backyard is a no brainer! One of the biggest perks to attending CSU is its proximity to one of the most-diverse and stunning natural areas in the world. In Basic Outdoor Skills, you’ll learn the history and practices around researching and maintaining natural resources — mostly through hands-on experiences and field trips. A two-day field trip includes outdoor-skills courses taught by professionals, and plenty of opportunities to explore and appreciate nature.
*Classes may require prerequisites or approval and may not be offered every semester.