3 reasons to choose CSU’s Chemistry major

a chemistry student works with a nitrogen tank in a lab

Trying to dig a little deeper into Colorado State’s majors, just starting out in your major search, or want to see what it looks like to be a student in a certain major? Our “3 reasons” series is the perfect place to start. In each installment, we’re bringing you three standout reasons to choose a major, written by the people who work and teach in those majors every day. 

The Chemistry major, housed within CSU’s College of Natural Sciences, centers around the study of matter. Students who study chemistry learn alongside leading chemistry and science professors to understand the world’s basic building blocks. If you’ve ever been fascinated with the ways substances interact and how they combine and change (Potions class in Harry Potter, anyone?), here are three reasons why the chemistry major might be for you. 

#1. You’ll get to do real-world science research as an undergraduate.

As a Chemistry major, you’ll have the opportunity to collaborate with faculty members and graduate students on scientific research projects. Recent undergraduate projects have included creating materials that can detect specific chemicals found in food, and investigating how different compounds can turn sunlight into electrical power. Your research results can then be presented at CSU’s undergraduate research showcases, including the Celebration of Undergraduate Research and Creativity (CURC) and the Multicultural Undergraduate Research Art and Leadership Symposium (MURALS).  

2. You’ll get invaluable experience through an internship.

Most CSU chemistry students complete internships while studying, allowing them to gain hands-on experience in a variety of fields and workplaces, leading to connections and networking for career opportunities after graduation. Internships are very impressive to graduate schools and employers because they’ll show you can take the lessons you’ve learned in class and apply them to real-world, real-time scenarios. The College of Natural Sciences has a dedicated career counselor who will help you find internships that fit your interests and course of study. 

#3. You’ll find a home in CSU’s natural science community.

You will find new friends and a strong support network in the more than 20 College of Natural Sciences student groups. Student groups spend time together studying, exploring Fort Collins and Colorado, and putting on fun events such as Spooktacular, an event where chemistry students use concept they’ve learned in class to put on Halloween-themed shows for kids and adults in Northern Colorado. Wherever your interests lie, there is a likely group for you. 

Interested in exploring the Chemistry major a bit more?

Get a deeper look at the classes, faculty, clubs, and future job possibilities.