Night in Old Town Fort Collins

Whether you have visited Fort Collins or have seen photos, you more often see Old Town during the day. We wanted to capture a similar vibe at night. See the town in which Colorado State resides in a new light with these four downtown scenes. 

#1. The intersection of Mountain and College

A night scene full of light on Mountain and College in Old Town, Fort Collins.

This intersection is a central area of downtown. From the Fort Collins Trolley to Old Town Square to the shops and restaurants in between, there are so many different places to explore, no matter the time of day or night. 

#2. The Historic Fort Collins Post Office

The Old Post Office building, located in a prime Old Town location next to a square with sculptures and a fountain, houses the Fort Collins Museum of Art. The stunning building is a three-story Second Renaissance Revival structure designed by James Knox Taylor, the Supervising Architect for the U.S. Treasury. It was built in 1911 and was described at the time as the “finest building in the city.”

#3. Old Town Square

Old square at night with holiday lights in Fort Collins.

Old Town Square is a hot spot for many community events like concerts, festivals, and more. The Holiday Lighting Ceremony in Old Town Square is an annual celebration that takes place in November where the city illuminates the streets of downtown with an impressive lighting display. 

#4. The Look of Linden Street

Cars rolling through Linden Street, Old Town, Fort Collins

Linden Street is another location to see many of the shops and restaurants near Old Town Square. This street was renovated in Fall 2023 and is a fun spot in any light. 

Want to see more night scenes?

Explore some Colorado State locations at night.

Jake Aglietti

Jake Aglietti is the Digital Marketing Specialist for the Office of Admissions at Colorado State University. He is passionate about showing the beauty and excitement of CSU to future students through visual storytelling. He wants to connect future students with their passions and to help them to envision an enriching experience in college.