Student vlog: 7 things to do in Colorado as a CSU student

A Ram’s Life is a Colorado State University vlog series for Rams by Rams, and showcases everything from the daily life of a CSU Ram to advice videos, tutorials, tips and tricks for navigating college life, and even excursions into Fort Collins and beyond CSU.

Throughout her four years as a CSU Ram, our vlogger, Jenny, has done a lot. In this vlog, she shares how to make the most of your time at CSU, in Fort Collins, and in Colorado. 

From free campus workout classes and sporting events to Fort Collins’ corgi parade and Horsetooth Reservoir (only three miles from campus!) to the world-famous Rocky Mountain National Park and amusement parks in Denver (CSU students get discounts!), Jenny shares all sorts of ways to stay active, explore, adventure, and expand your memories as a Ram.

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