How I chose my major(s): Political Science + French
Meet Lia, a political science and French major, and learn how she discovered it was the right academic path for her.
Read More about How I chose my major(s): Political Science + French
Meet Lia, a political science and French major, and learn how she discovered it was the right academic path for her.
Read More about How I chose my major(s): Political Science + French
A Q&A with a former CSU student who majored in Languages, Literatures, and Cultures with a minor in American Sign Language (ASL).
Read More about A look into languages at CSU: One student’s experience
Adding a minor can add distinction to your major at Colorado State, help you customize your education, and more. Here are 5 to consider.
There are benefits far beyond travel when it comes to learning a second language. A CSU language student explains why it’s such a great idea.
Whether you travel abroad during college or not, we’ve got programs aimed at preparing you for an international career that you can thrive in. Here are just five majors to think about if you are considering an international career.
Read More about 5 majors to consider if you want to work abroad