6 things you should know before college

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#1. You’re not the only nervous one

Leaving family, friends, and the community you know can give anyone anxiety. Regardless of what people might tell you, they’re nervous too. Being homesick, not feeling ready to leave, and being curious about who you’ll meet in college is a common feeling. Leave some of the butterflies behind by joining the Admitted Rams Community, a community for admitted students, and meeting your future classmates.

#2. You don’t have to leave your passions behind

Were you the editor of the school paper? President of a club? Played varsity your freshman year? Those are all aspects of life that help define you. You can keep those interests alive in other ways at CSU: intramural sports, campus organizations, and even Greek life will help you stay in touch with your passions.

#3. Studying is different

College classes can be fast paced and require more preparation outside of class than you might be used to. It’s important to take the time to figure out how you learn and study best. Whether this means making flashcards, rewriting your notes several times, or joining study groups, do what works for you. If you need a helping hand, there are lots of academic support resources at CSU.

#4. There’s so much to explore

You’ll start to get comfortable in your surroundings, and that’s a good thing. But make a point to get out of your comfort zone to try new things and and meet new people around campus.

#5. Professors are not scary

Your professors are your ladder to academic success. They went into teaching because they want to help you figure out important concepts, talk over what you love about your major, and everything in between. Don’t be afraid to email them, approach them after class, or stop in during their office hours.

#6. Change can be hard. That’s OK

It’s inevitable that at some point you’ll miss the people (and pets) that you can’t take to with you to college. Keep photos of them in your room. Carve out a time to call them every week. Start countdowns for when you’ll see them next. Reminding yourself of your loved ones will help with your transition.

Find your people

There are over 450 clubs you can join to meet people and do something exciting and new.

Jill Baylis

Jill was a staff member in the Office of Admissions until 2019 when she moved to Denver. As a first-generation college student, she focused on simplifying the college admissions process and helping future Rams find community on campus.