Applying as a homeschooled student

Students in housing open space

If you’re homeschooled, we hope you won’t be intimidated by the admissions process. Valuing students who have different educational backgrounds is who we are at CSU, and we want you here.

There are only a few aspects of your application that are different compared with a student who went to a traditional high school. Here’s what you need to know.

You need to submit an academic transcript

An official academic transcript is required for a complete application. Your transcript needs to include a complete list of courses taken during grades 9-12 and corresponding performance assessments for these courses. Assessments can be in the form of letter grades, percentages, or commentary.

If you completed coursework at a local high school or college, transcripts with those courses also must be included with your application.

Everything else is the same

That’s it! CSU does not use unique criteria to admit homeschoolers compared with those who are not homeschooled.

If you will be a freshman/first-year student, your application will require the typical application fee, transcripts, and a personal statement. Those are the same requirements for all other incoming freshmen.

Have more questions about the CSU experience for homeschooled applicants? Browse the FAQs for Homeschool Applicants page.


Check out our application guides to get you started.

Jill Baylis

Jill was a staff member in the Office of Admissions until 2019 when she moved to Denver. As a first-generation college student, she focused on simplifying the college admissions process and helping future Rams find community on campus.