In the “How I chose my major” series, we showcase the academic paths CSU students have taken, and students tell their stories in their own words. Read on to meet Katie, a CSU Biomedical Sciences major, and learn how she decided it was perfect fit for her dreams of becoming a veterinarian.
I have dreamed of being a veterinarian since I was very young. Cat posters plastered my childhood bedroom, and every animal I met was my best friend. Vet school has always been the end goal, but when it came time to choosing a major to prepare me for this step, I realized I didn’t really know where to start. Naturally, I consulted Google for help and spent many hours in a search-engine spiral to find recommendations for the perfect pre-vet degree. Ultimately, I ended up on the Association of American Veterinary Medical College’s website and found a document summarizing the course prerequisites for every accredited veterinary school both in the U.S. and abroad. And, as I read through this 16-page document, I noticed similarities in almost every school’s requirements: biology, chemistry, statistics, physics, genetics, biochemistry, and English. I discovered that there is a core set of classes that nearly all veterinary schools require, so I decided the best way to pick an undergraduate major was to find one that included all of these.
This method led me to choose CSU’s Biomedical Sciences major, along with pre-vet advising. It seemed like the perfect major since all the required coursework would satisfy classes I would need for most veterinary schools. And, since choosing this degree, I have come to love so many aspects of it.
While, the biomedical sciences major isn’t geared specifically toward animals, I learn a TON about the intricate systems that make all forms of life function. From measuring the electrical currents of my heart in Physics labs to learning the extensive list of enzymes that digest food in Physiology class, I get a better understanding of the processes I will one day see and treat in animals. I love the challenge of it, and believe me, it is a challenge! However, this program has given me a greater appreciation for all of science in its many forms, and it has exposed me to so many other areas in medicine that I probably wouldn’t have otherwise explored.
Currently, I am halfway through my third year as a Biomedical Sciences major, and have had so many cool opportunities in my time here. Last summer, I had two veterinary internships and was able to get hands-on experience assisting veterinarians with exams, giving injections, monitoring vitals, bandaging, and more. Through Pre-Vet Club, I’ve done a variety of dissections and labs, as well as animal-related volunteering, so I still get my fix of hanging out with furry critters. I’ve also gotten involved in research and currently work in a lab where I dose mice in preclinical trials for developing Tuberculosis drugs. After I graduate, I plan to spend a year continuing to pursue some kind of research, and hopefully traveling and doing some veterinary work abroad before I come back to attend vet school.

Katie is a Biomedical Sciences student at CSU. She works as an Admissions Ambassador and a student researcher in Lenaerts’ laboratory. Katie is also a student in the University Honors Program, an officer for Pre-Vet Club, and in Cru, a campus ministry group. In her spare time she enjoys hiking, photography, running, and finding new brunch/coffee spots.