That first-day-of-school energy: Colorado State University style

Newton sculpture at Colorado State, fall leaves in background.

There’s just something about the first day of school. It may bring back memories of preparing your first-day outfit, the smell of fresh school supplies, the heft of a brand-new notebook, the meticulous packing of your backpack. Everything feels crisp and ready, and full of possibility.

That feeling doesn’t go away when you step on campus for your first day of college. The first day of school at Colorado State University is just as exciting for our Rams, too. The end-of-summer air is warm, the campus community is bustling, and underneath all of it? You’ll find that CSU energy: That you-barely-know-it’s-there Colorado State energy, lending a spark to every step, to every new experience, to every “wow, I can’t believe I’m finally here” moment.

It’s the first day of school. Here are some things you can expect and look forward to.

#1. The vibes

STudents sit on rocks in the campus forest while engaging with a professor

There’s always a little bit of magic on the first day of school. It’s a fresh start full of new opportunities, possibilities, and chances to expand your education, your friendships, and your overall student experience. You’re meeting professors that will carry you through the semester (and sometimes your entire college career), figuring out which classes you’ll love and which will be challenging. Crack open your notebook or a new note-taking doc on your laptop, soak up the excitement on the plaza, and take a deep breath of that fresh first-day goodness.

#2. The support

Students lounge in the library armchairs in a circle while studying together

Want to know what’s better than the feeling of a crisp new school year? Knowing that everyone — staff, faculty, other students — is collectively experiencing the same thing as you are. You’re all working toward the same goals, and Colorado State has the support on hand when and where you need it. Campus clubs and organizations are popping off, tutoring and study groups are getting established, professors are waiting for you to dip into office hours. All the good vibes of the first-day energy go hand in hand with the renewed support you’ll experience and have access to across campus.

#3. The in-betweens

A wide view of students walking on campus, displaying the lush grass and trees of CSU's Oval.

What are the “in-betweens,” you ask? These often-overlooked moments take place as you move between classes, between your residence hall and the dining centers, between the parking lot and your stop at the coffee shop before lab. These are the chances you’ll get to breathe, enjoy the stunning campus scenery, and, oftentimes, run into friends, professors, classmates, roommates, and, sometimes, CAM the Ram himself. The in-betweens are the little organic moments that shouldn’t be underappreciated. Think about what your in-betweens might look like, how they’ll become a part of your routine, and how you can make them part of your best experience at CSU.

#4. The end of the day

Students walk along a CSU path in a celebratory pose while holding their hands in the air.

The end of your first day on campus will be so different from the beginning of your first day that you might feel like a week has passed. As you settle in for some well-deserved R & R, think about this: You DID that! You conquered a major first step in a brand-new year in a brand-new routine. Don’t deny yourself the pat on the back. You met new people, you navigated a host of buildings, and you established yourself in your classes. You might have already discovered some down time and decided how you might like to spend that time before your next campus commitment: Kicking back with a latte in the coffee shop? Lunch on the Oval? Studying in the Cube? Chilling in the Ramskeller?

While your early first-day vibes were energized and exciting and full of opportunity, your end-of-day vibes will likely be filled with an air of accomplishment, a few sighs of relief, and an undeniable feeling that you are exactly where you’re meant to be.

And that’s the good stuff. That’s the Colorado State energy we love.

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Prairie Smallwood

Prairie Smallwood is a writer and content creator for the Office of Admissions at Colorado State University. She is passionate about education and exploration, and knows that going to college can be both an adventure and an overwhelming experience. She aims to create content that helps students through that journey — the wonderful, the scary, and everything in between.