For some students, working part time is the key to making college financially feasible. A job can not only help offset costs, it can also give you a chance to build your resume or become exposed to a career that interests you.
When looking for a job, it’s important to apply for those that allow you to balance work and school. One of the great benefits of working on campus is that employers realize that you’re a student first and generally have jobs that can work around your class schedule.
With a little effort, you can find a job that fits your needs. Here’s a breakdown of the types of jobs available and how to apply.
On-campus jobs
There are two types of jobs available on campus: work-study and student hourly. You must be admitted to a degree-seeking program at CSU in order to apply for these positions. You can search and apply for on-campus jobs via your RAMweb account. Simply login and select “student employment” from the drop down menu, then “job listings”. From there you can search for jobs by job type. Be sure to read directions carefully regarding how to apply.
Work study
Work-study is a type of financial aid where a percentage of your earned wages are supplemented by federal, state, or institutional funds. It can be need- or non-need based. Students must be enrolled in at least 6 credits in order to use their work-study award and may only have one work-study job at a time.
Not sure if you have a work-study award? Check your financial aid awards page on RAMweb. You can email proof of a work-study award to a potential employer from there as well. If you are not initially offered work-study in your financial aid award, there is a Request Work-Study application that you can fill out. It opens on RAMweb each April for the upcoming academic year. An important thing to keep in mind with this type of job is that you may be limited to only earning up to the total amount of your work-study award. When applying for a work-study job, look carefully at the number of hours offered and determine if it fits your financial needs. Talk with your employer if you have concerns; some are willing to let their employees continue as student hourlies after the award limit has been reached.
Student hourly positions
Student hourly positions do not require a work-study award and have no limit on the amount you can earn. If you do have a work-study award you can still apply for hourly positions; simply let the employer know about it. These jobs only require one credit hour of enrollment to be eligible. There is no limit to the number of student hourly jobs you may have and it’s also acceptable to have a student hourly job along with a work-study job at the same time.
Off-campus jobs
In addition to on-campus jobs, off-campus and work-study positions are also posted on RAMweb. CSU has contracts with many local nonprofit and governmental employers for the off-campus community work-study program; be advised that just like on-campus work-study jobs, you’ll need a work-study award and at least half-time enrollment in order to apply. You should also note that while CSU does its best to screen for job scams, students still need to be vigilant. Never send money to any potential off-campus employers, even if they’ve sent you a check first. This is a common job scam.
Start your job hunt now
Access “Student Job Listing” under the Financial Information section of RAMweb.