As you prepare to live on campus, it can be hard to decide what to add to your packing list beyond the basics. Getting advice from someone who’s been there can help you narrow down which items are must-haves and which will only serve to take up space.
We’ve brought together two Resident Assistants (RAs) and one Eco Leader to find out which items they’ve found most useful while living on campus. Read through to see if these unofficial must-haves make sense for you.

1. A robe
Bring a robe if you’re going to be in a hall with a community-style bathroom. All you’ll have to do is throw on your robe and walk back to your room after a shower.
2. Somewhere to sit besides your desk and bed
It can get really frustrating when all you have to watch Netflix in is your bed. If you set up your room right, you can set up a futon no problem — usually under someone’s bed if you loft it.
3. A water filter
Like a Brita water pitcher. You won’t have to worry about filling a water bottle from the drinking fountain or a filtered water tap.
4. A desk light — especially if you have a roommate
There will be times that they’ll be tired but you’ll need to stay up and study. Also, some rooms don’t have a lot of light so that extra light is a help.
5. A refrigerator isn’t a necessity
You don’t really need a fridge unless you have a smaller meal plan and need to stock food. The only thing I used my fridge for was my water pitcher.

1. A bike
You’ll definitely want to have a bike — it will get you around campus and to classes much quicker. It’s saved me on a few occasions that I forgot to set my morning alarm. Without my bike, I would’ve actually failed my Sociology final last semester.
2. A combination lock
It can come in handy for any trips to the Rec Center, and you can also use it to keep items secure in one of your desks.
3. A small plant
It will add a lot of charm to your room, and shouldn’t be too much work to keep alive.

1. Cleaning supplies if you have a suite-style bathroom
Although suite bathrooms are cleaned every other week, it’s still good to have some cleaning supplies in case you miss a cleaning or need to spot clean your bathroom.
2. Consider lofting your bed
Especially if you’re going to be living in a suite-style room. These rooms are usually smaller than community-style, so lofting your bed gives you more space underneath for a TV, your desk, a couch, or just storage in general.