No matter where you are in your college decision, a visiting campus is a good step. At Colorado State, you’ll tour campus, talk to current students, and learn the ins and outs of what it takes to become a Ram. It’s one of the best ways to decide which college is the right fit for you. We do a lot on our end to ensure that your visit to CSU is worthwhile and fun. There are a few things you can do on your end, too. Make your visit a great one by bringing along these must-have items.
#1. Water

Around here, it’s important to stay hydrated. High altitude and a dry climate make dehydration a bigger issue in Colorado than in many other locations. We highly recommend bringing a reusable water bottle to your visit. After all, we are one of the most-sustainable universities in the world. You can use the refill station located in our Welcome Center lobby to fill up before setting off on your tour.
#2. Sunglasses or a hat

There’s a lot to love about Colorado. It’s home to the breathtaking Rocky Mountains, fun and friendly communities, and ever-sunny skies. Did you know we get more than 300 days of sunshine a year in Colorado? Because of this, the sun will most likely be shining during your visit. To make your campus tour a comfortable experience, it’s a good idea to bring sunglasses, a hat, or both.
#3. Sunscreen

Colorado’s sunshine-filled days — coupled with the higher-than-average elevation—can result in a greater chance of sunburn. Since you’ll be outside for at least 30 minutes during the campus tour, it’s important to protect yourself. Be sure to bring sunscreen to your visit.
#4. Walking shoes

Since part of your visit will involve a walking tour of campus, it’s important to wear comfortable shoes. Flats, sneakers, or sport sandals are all great options.
#5. A list of questions

As a prospective student or family member, you probably have lots of questions. Our main goal is to help you make the best decision for your needs. You’ll have opportunities before and after your visit to speak one on one with an admissions counselor. You can also ask the student tour guide questions at any point during your campus tour. Use your time wisely by writing down your most-important questions and bring your list along.