Whether you’re a first-year student looking for a roommate in the dorms, or a transfer student planning to live off campus, it’s important to find a roommate you jive with. Lifestyle preferences should be taken into account when deciding if a roommate is a good fit, but we also encourage you keep an open mind. What seems like a great match now may be different as you settle in to your daily routine at Colorado State. Being prepared to flex and compromise can be a key factor to a successful roommate experience.
Early bird or night owl?
Sharing a living area with someone who wakes up at 6 a.m. when you prefer to go to bed at 2 a.m. might result in lack of sleep all around. Think about your preferred sleep schedule and be sure to ask your roommate about theirs.
What is their definition of clean and orderly?
Are you all about keeping your space tidy or do you embrace the clutter? Living with someone who doesn’t share your idea of clean could cause disagreements. Manage disagreement by coming to a middle ground and creating a cleaning schedule ahead of time.
What about smoking preference?
While Colorado State University is a smoke-free, vape-free, and tobacco-free campus, some students may opt to smoke off campus. If that’s dealbreaker for you, this topic is one you should definitely bring up with a potential roommate.
Do they focus more on studies or fun?
Will your space be the place for Netflix and video games or textbooks and focused studying? Do you prefer to study in your room or somewhere else on campus, like a lounge or the library? It’s important to make time to study in college, so be sure your future roommate is on the same page.
Should they have similar academic interests?
A roommate with a similar major could potentially give you both a living partner and a study buddy. On the other hand, rooming with someone in another program might broaden your experiences at CSU. When living with someone new, it’s always best to discuss ground rules ahead of time to limit stress and confrontation. Check out this roommate agreement guide to help you decide what subjects you should talk over.