Cathy Braunlin
Can I help you?
My specialty is helping students through the admission process. If you’re admitted and need help with advising and course selection, contact the advisor for your academic department.
I’ve lived and worked in many places across the U.S., including Chicago, San Francisco, and Oakland. My work has spanned multiple fields, including finance, teaching, landscaping, and entrepreneurship – I operated a pizza restaurant for five years! I earned a second bachelor’s degree from CSU in Horticulture, with a concentration in Landscape Design and Contracting.
I came to work at CSU in 2016 and wish I had done it sooner. I love the camaraderie among students and employees. I love how vibrant the campus is and the feeling of promise and positivity that permeates everything.
I look forward to helping you navigate the admissions process and make it a little easier (and maybe even fun).
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Top conversation starters
- I have an identical twin sister
- Love pizza
- Took baton twirling lessons as a child
- Favorite subject in high school was math
Skills on a scale from zero to awesome
Doing jigsaw puzzles
Watching movies
Cooking and baking
My natural habitat