Heather Daniels
Born and raised in Illinois (Go Chicago Bears!), I have made Colorado my home for the last 10+ years. And there is no better place to call home than Fort Collins, Colorado, and Colorado State University.
Working in college admissions for nearly 25 years has given me the opportunity to have a front row seat to watching prospective students explore their college choices. Helping students and their families navigate the admissions process is not just a job for me. It is part of who I am, and I feel so lucky that I get to do it each and every day.
I am honored to represent Colorado State University and lead a team of amazing professionals. CSU is an incredible institution with so much to offer students. We look forward to working with you and your family as you continue to learn more Colorado State University.
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Top conversation starters
- Can say the alphabet backwards.
- Has been to all 50 states and 33 countries.
- Has a mean sweet tooth.
- Didn’t have a middle name until she was married.
Skills on a scale from zero to awesome
My natural habitat