Geography Major

Want to travel the world to understand cultures within environments?

At a glance

Whether you can pinpoint the capital of Tajikistan on a map or you’re interested in how societies are shaped by location, the Geography major might be for you. The major focuses on the dynamic interactions between people and the natural and built spaces we inhabit, and will give you a broad background in spatial thinking to address the causes and impacts of environmental and social change around the world.  You’ll answer big questions about everything from climate change to the geography of commodities. You’ll study questions surrounding land change, commodities, environmental justice, food production, climate change, public health, and more. You’ll learn field and lab techniques, interview and research methods, and geographic information systems (GIS). Want to travel the world? Improve land use and transportation? Geography provides the wide range of knowledge and skills to get you there.

Degree typeBachelor of Arts
FormatOn campus
Part ofCollege of Liberal Arts
Competitive major?No
Accelerated option?No
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Some Career Options

Geography grads come out trained to think independently and critically, communicate effectively, and function in a multicultural world. Your career options vary widely, including fields like international development, foreign service, education, conservation/natural resource management, urban and regional planning, data analysis, data management, marketing, and business.

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Tour and info session options

Tours may be available as part of Admissions tours and info sessions, offered throughout the year.

For additional opportunities, please reach out to:

College of Liberal Arts recruiter at [email protected] or (970) 821-5276 (Text friendly. Please include your/the student’s full name in the message.)

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Want a more in-depth look at this major? Take a look at the program website to learn more.