Orchestra students play violins during a CSU performance on stage

Music (B.A.) Major

Do you want to blend your love of music with another academic path?

At a glance

In this program, you can study music within the larger context of a liberal arts education, getting greater flexibility for studying a field outside the required core music curriculum. With the freedom to choose at least 21 credits in business, history, languages, or any other area offered by CSU, this music degree provides a broad background to prepare you for many career paths while satisfying your passion for multiple interests.

The B.A. in Music has two track options: WITH or WITHOUT applied studio lessons. Different audition requirements apply.

Degree typeBachelor of Arts
FormatOn campus
Part ofCollege of Liberal Arts
Audition required?Yes
Accelerated option?No
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Some Career Options

Your degree leads to fulfilling career options within the music industry and other creative sectors of the economy. You’ll have a well-rounded education allowing you to perform, teach in private settings, and work in institutions that include music in their programs. You’ll be able to take your musical skills and other liberal arts abilities internationally, as well.

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Tour and info session options

Tours may be available as part of Admissions tours and info sessions, offered throughout the year.

For additional opportunities, please reach out to:

School of Music, Theatre, and Dance recruiter at [email protected] or (970) 821-5276 (Text friendly. Please include your/the student’s full name in the message.)

academic Info and Tips

Explore even more

Want a more in-depth look at this major? Take a look at the program website to learn more.