Information overload? Start with our best blogs

No matter which stage of the college search/application process you are in, there can be a lot of information to sift through. Where to start? Where to find the nitty gritty info on things like housing and financial aid? What about test scores and transcripts? It’s overwhelming, and our hundreds of blogs can help … but then there’s the task of figuring out which to read first, which to save for later, which to bookmark, which don’t apply to you.

The good news is this: If the question is there, we likely have the answer. More good news: We’ve got a helpful guide to narrow things down. Here are some of our best blogs, sorted into helpful categories, just for you.

Best blogs for the early college search

A student shakes hands with visitors.

Maybe you or your student is still in high school, just dipping some toes into the college search process. Think it’s not time to check out our content? Think again. We’ve got lots of blogs on the earliest part of the college journey. Check these out to learn things like why college is inherently transformational, how to start your search and what to consider as you look at colleges, and much more.

  1. College prep 101: The high school years — Thinking about college starts earlier than some might expect. Here are some things you can do in high school to ensure you’ll have a stellar application and lots of college options when it comes time to apply. 
  2. 4 ways to simplify your college search — Ready to start getting serious about the college search? This quick-and-easy reference will help you get started.
  3. 6 things to consider when choosing a university — What should go into your decision-making process as you narrow down colleges to apply to? Here are a few things you can check off your list as you go.

Best blogs for application help

A student focuses on his laptop and some paperwork in a studious setting.

Getting closer to that “it’s go time” time? We’re ready with lots of information about preparing to apply, applying, and what to do while you wait for all the pieces to come together. Don’t forget, we will assign you your very own admissions counselor even before you apply! Your counselor can answer any and all questions about the application process, documents you’ll need, and even wax poetic about their favorite campus spots.

  1. Video: Admissions counselors share their best application tips
  2. Application 101: The Academic Explanation
  3. Why apply early?

Best blogs for parents and families

Parents talking to admissions representative

As with many things in life, the journey to get to college takes a village. You might have parents or family members helping you navigate this process, pull together specific pieces your college search or your application, or be by your side when you’re hauling your stuff to Fort Collins. That’s why some blogs speak directly to your parents and/or family members, too! Parents, family, support systems … this one’s for you.

  1. Keep your family in the loop with FAMweb
  2. 4 ways parents can help as their student applies to college
  3. How to help your student choose a college: A parent checklist

Best blogs to get to know CSU better

Two people mozy along the main CSU Oval path beneath the towering elms decked out in their fall colors.

Sometimes, it’s all about the vibes. At Colorado State, we have the vibes on lock: those feels-like-home vibes, those I-can-see-myself-here vibes, those vibes that don’t really have words, but give you that tingly-good woo-hoo feeling. Here are some blogs that give you a little glimpse into that can’t-quite-do-it-justice feeling you get at CSU and in Fort Collins. If you haven’t visited yet, it’s the best way to get a feel for us. Don’t miss out on our virtual tour, either!

  1. 5 small things to savor at Colorado State
  2. 8 study spots on campus for every type of student
  3. 6 reasons to fall in love with Fort Collins

Best blogs to lighten the mood and have some fun

Researching colleges, making lists, exploring majors, conquering applications … it all gets overwhelming and much too serious. Take a break, take a breath, and enjoy a little light reading. Giving your brain a little space from your to-do’s is important, too!

  1. 5 movies about the college admissions process
  2. 5 movies about going to college and what you can learn from them
  3. Spooky-season stuff do to here

Best support and resources blogs

No matter where you are in the college search/application process, you’re probably aware of all the big changes that come with college. From academic rigor to navigating health, and so much more. Here are some places to get you started with being supported on campus.

  1. Help with the hard stuff: Academic support at CSU
  2. 5 mental health services at CSU
  3. 5 surprising CSU health services for students

Best blogs to explore CSU academics

While college isn’t all about academics, it’s sort of the reason we’re all here, right? We’ve got a slew of blogs about choosing a major, which majors can get you to which career paths, how to customize your academics at CSU, and so much more. Here are some of our favorite places to start exploring CSU academics.

  1. How to enhance your major at CSU

  2. Skills you’ll need for every career, and why you’ll find them in every CSU major

  3. 5 majors that lead to careers in medicine

Best blogs to see campus, classrooms, and beyond

A professor instructs in the well classroom

The spaces you’ll be learning in, studying in, walking through, and more: Here’s some eye-catching blogs that capture CSU’s spaces in video and photo.

See CSU in all her seasonal beauty! Our “minute of” videos showcase campus throughout the year, from falling leaves to glittering snow to flowering buds to sun-drenched sidewalks.

Want to see where you’ll be once classes start and you’re rolling through campus like a Ram? Check out our State-of-the-Art Spaces photo blogs. Here are a few to get you started.

Best blogs for a student perspective

students walking and laughing on a trail

Sometimes, you just need to hear it from someone who’s been there — or even someone who is currently there. Our students love talking about Colorado State, Fort Collins, and all the things they’re doing as Rams. A Ram’s Life vlog series features videos made just for you by students, and our student bloggers come from all over campus to tell you about their majors, life on campus, and more.

  1. Student vloggers answer your most-pressing questions
  2. Expectations vs. experience: Why it’s OK my plans in college changed

  3. How I chose the Business major


Want to do your own exploration? We gotchu. Our blogs are organized into categories so you can find exactly what you need (and maybe some stuff you didn't know you needed).

Prairie Smallwood

Prairie Smallwood is a writer and content creator for the Office of Admissions at Colorado State University. She is passionate about education and exploration, and knows that going to college can be both an adventure and an overwhelming experience. She aims to create content that helps students through that journey — the wonderful, the scary, and everything in between.