Non-Graded High School Work
Transcripts must include a complete list of courses taken in grades 9-12, comments on course content if the titles are not self-explanatory, and information about the duration of the course if something other than a traditional academic year is used. The transcript also must include an assessment of individual student performance (e.g., teacher narratives, portfolio evaluations) and an explanation of any applicable assessment scales. In cases where assessment scales are not used, the transcript should provide an explanation of how you were deemed ready for promotion to the next academic level. Transcripts for course work completed concurrently at a local high school or college also should be submitted.
Exceptional students from non-graded academic settings can be considered for admission-based scholarships. In order to qualify, applicants must be able to demonstrate high achievement in a rigorous college-preparatory curriculum.
Please note: Guidelines established by the Colorado Department of Higher Education (formerly the Colorado Commission on Higher Education) require that all students from non-graded educational settings be assigned a 3.3 “proxy” GPA (on a 4.0 scale), regardless of the type of assessment system used by the school. While the 3.3 proxy GPA is part of the academic profile, the admission decision process still includes a detailed, personal review of the actual assessment of student performance. It is critical that you provide information about your individual experience and achievements.